1. It’s okay to not feel okay sometimes, even if you don’t really know why you feel that way.
  2. Needing your mom, even though you’ve moved away from home is perfectly fine.
  3. Sometimes if you’ve fallen for the same guy as one of your best friends, if they hit it off, if they make each other happy, you have to accept and move on, doesn’t mean it won’t hurt but putting others first is more important than your own feelings, at least if they’re one of your best friends.
  4. Alone time is really needed sometimes, being surrounded by people at a boarding school can be too much sometimes.
  5. Get some rest. It’s well needed in your everyday life. We’re so busy, that sometimes we forget to take good care of ourselves.
  6. If it all get’s a little too overwhelming, shut it off, shut off all your electronics, just try and relax and enjoy life without all of it.

And sorry about the long time in between the last posts, I’ve been so busy being back at school!

Late Night Thoughts


(picture was taken as I was trying to be artistic but it failed but I thought I would share it anyways)

Do you ever catch yourself thinking about a million things after midnight. Right now my biggest concern is how the heck I’m going to pass the IB, volunteer, have a social life, eat healthy and workout regularly, have a stable mental health and have time to actually go home and visit my family. I don’t know how people do it, every night I go to sleep after a school day I fall asleep as soon as I lay in my bed, I am always exhausted and yes, sure coffee helps but it is just a temporary solution to a problem. I really needed a break, I can just feel how much needed it was. I might have woken up at 10-11 am everyday, but it was so worth it. It’s been so nice not to stress for a little while.

And then I think of how I’m going to try to work out more because I’ve been slacking lately, mostly because I’m just too exhausted but I want to do it more than I have been lately.

Then my thoughts wander off to how the heck I’m going to love myself, how do you do that? It feels like things like that are impossible, I really want to learn to love myself, but easier said than done. I’m a work in progress, we all are. I just wish things like these were easier. Then I long for someone else’s touch.

Then I think on how I’m going to achieve all these things I have in mind, all these goals and I simply don’t know how it’s going to be possible.

Then I go on Facebook and look at old pictures of old classmates and old friends, people I haven’t talked to in forever and wonder what ever happened to those friendships, even though I know it’s probably for the better and that there’s a reason for it, just having those memories brings up feelings, do you have these thoughts as well?


Tumblr is a great place, especially if you want to find some great quotes. I must admit, I have an entire board in my room filled with quotes, so I thought I’d share some quotes to live by. 

“He is not the sun. You are.”
“A mistake repeated more than once is a decision.”
“Maybe we’ll meet again, when we’re slightly older and our minds less hectic, and I’ll be right for you and you’ll be right for me. But right now I am chaos to your thoughts and you are poison to my heart.”
“Powerful women do not have to act masculine or cold in order to get things done. Powerful women can be huggers who name their dog Lamby and make flower crowns in their free time.”
“It’s okay to lose yourself for a little while. In books, in music, in art. Let yourself get lost.”
“If you’re gonna bail, bail early. This applies to relationships, college classes, and sledding,”
“Everybody isn’t going to love you. Most people don’t even love themselves.”
“Someday you will look back and know exactly why it had to happen.”
“Don’t drag other people if you’re having a bad day. Instead, absorb people’s positivity to lift you up. So everyone can have a happy life.”
“You can eat all the veggies you want and work out as hard as you ever have, but if your mind isn’t healthy than you’ll never feel right.”
My tumblr:



Let’s talk about an important concept. Freedom. Most of the time when I tell people that I live at a boarding school they often ask about the rules and restraints, people often picture how boarding schools used to be or how they’re portrayed in movies. Truth is that when I come home on breaks to my parents house, I really start miss boarding. We have a rule book at boarding, doesn’t mean it’s completely followed by everyone, it’s like at home, your parents tell you a bunch of things you can’t do and that get’s more on my nerves than a rule book laying around with one boarding teacher to check up on you 24/7. I enjoy the freedom, also at boarding I live in town, maybe a small town but it’s something more than at my parents house out in the middle of nowhere and I can’t get anywhere. There’s something about being 5-10 minutes away from the supermarkets and the stores and basically everything, it makes me feel free. I don’t have to get someone to drive me to the gym because the bus doesn’t go anywhere near me. Honestly not having someone to watch over me just feels like freedom to me. Going out at 2 am to the nearest gas station to get burgers with my friends, that is freedom and joy. What is freedom to you?


Hello there lovelies.

I feel as if we’ve all gotten on the band wagon of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians”, they’re not just a tv show to watch anymore, they’re lives to keep up with on all social medias and on their new apps, which by the way cost so much money each month I find it quite pathetic to think that people will actually pay for their apps each month, but then again so many people do. I will admit they’ve gotten me fooled. I follow my favorites, which includes Khloe and Kylie, Khloe is mostly for her fitness tips and videos and Kylie is just, I don’t really know.. I don’t know why they’re so fascinating but most of us think so, for some reason. They’re all very beautiful women and we get a little glimpse of their life and wish that ours could be a little bit more like it. But then again, how many plastic surgeries and make up do they use to cover up how they actually look. I also love their fashion sense and how they all got this sudden love for fitness and waist training. They are not really people to aspire to, in my personal opinion but I love watching the show and seeing their latest Instagrams.

  • What are you guys’ opinions on them and who is your fave?
  •  kyliekhloe